The powerful documentary, A Cambodian Spring, a film by Irish filmmaker Chris Kelly, will have its US premiere at the Brooklyn Film Festival this June 7th & June 11th.
The film won the  Special Jury Prize at Hot Docs  recently in Toronto.
A Cambodian Spring is an intimate and unique portrait of three people caught up in the chaotic and often violent development that is shaping modern-day Cambodia. Spending 9 years on the film (shooting for 6 of those years) the film charts the growing wave of land-rights protests that led to the ‘Cambodian Spring’ and the tragic events that followed. This film is about the complexities – both political and personal, of fighting for what you believe in.
A Cambodian Spring is for me a deeply personal film, which took 9 years to complete,” says director Chris Kelly. “It is an exploration of what motivates us, what gives our lives meaning, and what happens when our personal desires colour and shape our actions. It is an unapologetically subjective portrait of my time in Cambodia, of the people who shared their lives with me and of the shifting landscapes, both physical and emotional, that I found there.” 
The film also includes a riveting original soundtrack by the UK’s electronic music artist James Holden.
Check out the Trailer
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