Carmen Bryce shivers at Damian McCarthy’s second feature ‘Oddity’.
Smrithika Majukar gets the shades out to watch Andrew Baird’s ‘Sunrise’.
Adelaide Thermes Kane perches on Kathleen Harris’s ‘Birdsong’.
Dale Kearney investigates Irish Crime Drama ‘The Black Guelph’.
Mick Jordan casts a spell over Robert Wynne-Simmons’ cult horror ‘The Outcasts’.
Anna Maria O’Flanagan gets the book out for ‘The Rent Strike’.
June Butler investigates Colm Quinn’s ‘Ransom ’79’ which tells the story of legendary Irish reporter Charlie Bird and his determination to break one final story before his life is cut short by Motor Neurone Disease.
Mick Jordan reviews Gary Lennon’s film which follows three young prodigies and their families exploring the competitive world of piano playing in China.
June Butler enters the ring for Andrew Gallimore’s One Night in Millstreet.
Gemma Creagh leads the cheer for Tanya Doyle’s latest documentary ‘Eat/Sleep/Cheer/Repeat’.