Anthony Assad takes a look at Brendan Muldowney’s second feature, which screened at the 2014 Jameson Dublin International Film Festival.
Richard Drumm joined the party and takes a look at The Stag, which closed this year’s Jameson Dublin International Film Festival.
Emma O’Donoghue checks out Cecily Brennan’s part documentary, part dramatised art-piece which investigates the connection between madness and artistic creativity.
Ailbhe O’ Reilly checks out Steven O’ Riordan’s documentary which tells the extraordinary and awe-inspiring life story of his sister Joanne O’ Riordan.
Lynn Larkin checked in on the Jameson Dublin International Film Festival’s selection of Irish short films.
David Prendeville chews over ‘The Food Guide to Love’, which screened at the 2014 Jameson Dublin International Film Festival.
Stacy Grouden reports from the screening of Wiebe von Carolsfeld’s latest drama ‘Stay’.
Donnchadh Tiernan checks out John Michael McDonagh’s latest film ‘Calvary’, which opened the 12th Jameson Dublin International Film Festival.