In this eerie episode of the Reel Horror Show, special ghoulish guest Stephen “Screaming ” Shields [writer, The Hole in the Ground] joins regular monstrous mutant hosts Conor “McMayhem” McMahon, Ali “Horror” Doyle and Conor “Howling” Dowling to open a coffin of consternation and carve up the corpse within.
Uv-voov shredded thistle organ… welcome.
In this episode, the ghastly gang talk about
- “Screaming” Stephen’s debut horror feature, The Hole in the Ground, his horror influences & writing process
- some horror-watching recommendations
- a hefty look at IT: Chapter Two
- chats from the set of Irish horror comedy Extra Ordinary
- a preview of what’s screaming at this year’s Horrorthon at the IFI
- the perfect double bill for Halloween viewing
Film Ireland Podcasts