The Federation of European Film Directors (FERA), the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE) and the Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) have welcomed the European Parliament’s final vote on the Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market.
After many months of negotiations, the EU institutions have reached a compromise on the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market that establishes a much-needed level playing field for the cultural and creative sectors, in particular the audiovisual industry, to adapt to the 21th century online environment and integrate the global online players in the European copyright ecosystem.
As demonstrated by the recent survey on European audiovisual authors’ remuneration, audiovisual authors are struggling to make ends meet and to maintain sustainable careers; they are in urgent need for action to improve their situation. The Directive on Copyright in the digital Single Market features essential provisions in chapter 3 on fair remuneration for authors and performers, which represent an important achievement in EU legislation.
It sets out a general principle of proportionate remuneration allowing authors to share in the economic success of their works (Art 18), and unwaivable provisions strengthening authors’ right to information on the exploitation of their works (Art 19), reinforcing their bargaining power (Art 20 and 21) and establishing a right for revocation (Art 22).
Once the Directive will be confirmed by the Council, FERA, FSE and SAA will continue working with their members to make the most of the Directive at the implementation stage. They will in particular focus on ensuring that the implementation laws provide appropriate mechanisms to guarantee audiovisual authors receive the proportional remuneration they deserve for the exploitation of their works.