Introducing voicesonfilm, an Open Access, co-curated videographic research initiative designed to record, format and share significant voices in the history and development of the medium and its study. With its intimate conversations, voicesonfilm brings you the history of filmmaking and analysis. Using direct interviews with filmmakers, historians and analysts, voicesonfilm offers the viewer the unique privilege of personal insight, comment, knowledge and memoir.
Film Ireland would like to thank voicesonfilm for allowing us to reproduce their content.
The first conversation from the voicesonfilm project is with the international film scholar Professor Charles Barr, recorded at Filmbase in Dublin, Ireland in June 2014.
In this first episode Professor Barr describes the significance of the year 1960 to not only his early career as a film scholar but also to new ways of thinking and writing about cinema.
Professor Barr will be in Dublin on the 27th May 2015 for two events at Filmbase:
The Irish launch of his recently-published book, co-authored with Dr. Alain Kerzoncuf, Hitchcock Lost and Found: The Forgotten Films. Click here for full details
‘Cultivating Film-makers’, an open panel discussion considering the contemporary face of Third Level Film education in Ireland. Click here for full details
Professor Barr is currently Professorial Research Fellow at St Mary’s University College, Twickenham. Before this he spent three years as the Visiting Professor in Film Studies at University College Dublin, and also (in 2010-11) as Adjunct Professor at NUI Galway, in the John Huston School of Film and Digital Media. Prior to this he was Director of the Program in Film and Media at Washington University in St Louis.
Between 1976 and 2006 Professor Barr was based at the University of East Anglia where he initiated and played a key role in developing one of the UK’s leading centres for Film and TV Studies at undergraduate and graduate level.
Much of Professor Barr’s recent work has centred on Alfred Hitchcock, following on from his book on English Hitchcock (Cameron & Hollis, 1999). A new edition of his study of Vertigo, for the BFI Classics series, was published by BFI/Palgrave in 2012. Professor Barr’s current projects include Hitchcock: Lost and Found, co-authored with the Parisian scholar Alain Kerzoncuf for publication by the University of Kentucky Press in late 2013. This is based on extensive archival research in Britain and the US, funded by an Emeritus Fellowship from the Leverhulme Foundation.
His other main research area continues to be British cinema history; he was co-writer, with its presenter Stephen Frears, of Channel 4’s centenary history, Typically British (1996). He also has work in progress on the Swedish director Victor Sjöström and on the Hollywood melodramas of John M. Stahl.
Professor Barr’s current research profile can be accessed here
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