As Martin Scorsese’s latest film The Wolf of Wall Street hits cinemas, Film Ireland presents Steven Benedict’s video-essay, which examines the films of the director. Beginning with his early breakthrough works, Mean Streets and Taxi Driver and taking in Goodfellas and The Age of Innocence, before examining his more recent titles Shutter Island and Hugo, it examines the manner in which Scorsese uses the art of cinema as a means of personal expression.
The essay explores the various ways he pulls the audience into the minds of his characters so that we feel what they feel. Working across a wide variety of genres; gangster, musical, comedy, biopic, documentary and concert film, Scorsese is constantly seeking ways to expand the art of cinema and it is through that expansion that Scorsese explores his greatest recurring theme.
Steven Benedict is a well-known radio broadcaster, college lecturer, writer, producer, and director of films and documentaries.