
Irish film noir Spider’s Trap, written and directed by Alan Walsh, has won the Award For Excellence at The Indiefest Film Awards in Los Angeles, California.

Produced by Bootstrap Films Ltd and Blackhorse Film Productions, Spiders Trap tells the story of Jack Spider who longs for the day when he can escape from prison and rob one more jewellery store.

He can’t do it alone. He needs the Black Wall Gang to get back together. Time has passed when he “gets out” and people have moved on. Jazzer is the family man (6 kids and another on the way) and Steve Wilson has a real future as a musician. He has a kid. A record producer has offered Steve the deal of a lifetime. Spider has other ideas for Steve. He kidnaps Amy and Sharon and forces Steve back to a life of crime for one night. The Black Wall Gang are back.

Will Steve make it to the record company offices to sign the deal? Will he return to a life of crime or will he live happily ever after.




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