Instituto Cervantes brings you close to the work of emerging Spanish directors with a distinct series of seven films. These directors distance themselves from commercial trends by rendering unique individual work encompassed with a wealth of creativity that embodies the future of Spanish cinema.

Paco Torres, Patxi Amezcua, Gabriel Velázquez, Roser Aguilar, Adrià García and Víctor Maldonado, Rafael Cortés and Juana Macías are the emerging talents that make up this audiovisual spectacle.

The Dublin-based Spanish director, Paco Torres, and the Irish singer Eleanor McEvoy, author of two songs of the soundtrack, will attend the opening night to present the movie The Magic of Hope, selected by the European Film Promotion in 2012 and nominated to four ASECAN Awards in 2012 and by the Galway Film Fleadh. The film will be preceded by the screening of Paco Torres’ last work, the short film Halowin (6 min). The only Irish short film selected by Danish enfant director Lars Von Triers in his film Gesamt. This short has been produced by Element Post and Mr. Torres and probes the original performances of Carmen Montero, Grace Hendy, Paul Butler Lennox and Joe Mckinney.

There is also special place reserved for children for the children’s animation film Nocturna on Saturday the 9th of March at 12:15h

06 Feb. The Magic of Hope (2011) By Paco Torres

13 Feb. The Best of me (2007) By Roser Aguilar

20 Feb. 25 Carat (2011) By Patxi Amezcua

27 Feb. Me (2007) By Rafael Cortés

06 March. Amateurs (2008) By Gabriel Velázquez

09 March. Nocturna (2007) By Adría García and Victor Maldonado

13 March. Plans for Tomorrow (2010) By Juana Macías

Full program at


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